Model Engine Collecting
American Model Engine Encyclopedia volume 2
American Model
Engine Encyclopedia Volume 2
Model Engine Collecting 1
American Model
Engine Encyclopedia Volume 1
Cox Model Engine Handbook
Cox Model Engine Handbook
Model Engine Collecting Journal
Engine Collectors'


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baby spitfire model engine
1976 First Model K&B 3.5cc Free Flight - This is the first of 6 models of this powerful performer.  It is still being offered in marine versions by RJL Industries.
Model 1 (left) and Model 2 (right) showing the first die modification with the addition of webs supporting the exhaust flange.

The Model Museum
2385 Lisa Drive
Colorado Springs, CO

The Model Museum and the Engine Collectors' Journal are constantly researching histories of the model engine, in America and from around the world.  And, of course we are always in need of material for use in the Journal.

Currently, we are attempting to record and catalog the American engines from 1975 up to the current time. Those of you with copies of the American Model Engine Encyclopedia have an example of the sort of information we are attempting to accumulate.

The compilation of this Encyclopedia involved a goodly number of collectors.  We were trying to establish what had been done back in the 1930's, 40's, 50's and 60's.  No one bothered to record much of this while it was happening.  Even material from the 1980's and 90's is hard to come by because it hasn't been recorded.  It is our intent to locate as much of this history while the people involved are still with us.

While most of our "Old Time" engine collectors are most interested in the spark ignition engines from the 1930's and 40's, the ignition era covered a span of less than 20 years.  Power models have been around for over 70 years, so that leaves 50 years of the glow engine.  Far more modelers today cut their modeling teeth on glow engines.  And the earlier of these are beginning to find favor in engine collections.  

One of my favorite engine lines is K&B.  I grew up flying these wonderful engines.  The company started building engines in 1946, buying the Torpedo name from Bill Atwood and over the years built quality and high performance engines.  The Encyclopedia covers the line quite accurately and completely up to 1975.  From 1976 on, they became even more prolific with extremely high performance world class engines. While much of this has been recorded there are certain parts that have escaped my cataloging.  The bottom picture is of a first model 3.25cc (.19 cu in) size.  By late in production of the 2nd model, the spot was milled off and the 3.25 was stamped in.  I would like to obtain one of these Model 2 3.25cc engines or at least a good clear photo showing this particular feature. 

Next, in 1986 K&B began producing engines for both Byron Originals and Bob Violett.  These were all ducted fan engines and we have yet to see examples of any of these.

If you can help with any of these, please contact me at the above address or eMail.

Tim Dannels

toy engine collecting
model engine collecting guide©2021 Model Engine Collecting. Website by Tim Dannels
1947 Orwick 23 Sea Fury .15 Twin Outboard Bunch Tiger Aero 1971 Kendel Twin Profi 6.65 Sabre-250-Mk1